System Engineering Methodology

Many people are familiar with the concepts of Systems Engineering. If asked what does systems engineering mean, people will often answer its the Vee Model. The Vee model is good for describing how requirements are synthesied into a design and then verified.


But how does sytems engineering help develop those requirements in the first place?

HKRP uses the following methodology to translate the system engineering concepts into real artefacts for your project.

Whether you are developing Business Requirements, Stakeholder Requirements or System Requirements, HKRP use the same methodology for identifying or "eliciting" those requirements namely:

  1. Perform Use Case Analysis to identify capabilities of the system and the stakeholders involved

  2. Perform Functional Analysis on each use case to identify the base scenario

  3. Identify the external context of the system. What other systems, processes or people interact with our System of Interest

  4. Identify some scenarios which relate to this set of stakeholders

  5. Use Scenario Analysis in a workshop setting with the stakeholders

  6. Document the needs identified by each scenario

  7. Translate those needs into Requirements Statements

  8. Repeat for each capability and scenario doing the most important ones first.

The only difference between each set of requirements is that the stakeholders will be different at different layers of the requirements. The further down the hierarchy you descend the level of fidelity of the modelling will increase.

HKRP use MBSE tools to help manage all of this information as data inside a system model. 

Contact us if you would like to discuss the benefits of System Engineering for your next project.