Stakeholders Requirements Specification (StRS)

The Stakeholders Requirement Specification documents the “needs and concerns” of all stakeholders. It is written in a language which is familiar to the people in the organisation. It is important to understand the stakeholders are not just the people paying for the system. It includes all stakeholders that interact with the system throughout its lifecycle. 

This document will help the enterprise to gain confidence in the requirements before moving forward with the design process or starting a contract process to seek external design and delivery partners.

HKRP's Systems Engineering Methodology helps customers to elicit the needs of their stakeholders in preparation for this stage. If you have already developed a set of Stakeholder Requirements (StRS) and need some assistance to clarify or finalise this document, HKRP can help customers to structure their StRS and gain confidence about the completeness of their Stakeholder Requirements.

Contact us if you would like to discuss developing your Stakeholder Requirements for your current of future projects.